March is well underway; the clocks have been set forward an hour, and there’s a bit more light each evening. And the garden marches forward.
Bulbs and spring ephemerals are starting to poke through, like daffodils and glory-of-the-snow (chionodoxia forbesii). There’s a huge swath starting to peek through the front woodland, just as the snowdrops fade. And they have started to dot the lawn, as well, naturalizing.
March means starting some early spring planters and many more early tasks. Don’t get too carried away, though. A too-eager jump to clean up could disturb insects (including beneficials) and small animals who have been overwintering in those tall grasses and leaf debris. Speaking of to-do lists, I’ve found this to be the most comprehensive list of March tasks by far, courtesy of Margaret Roach at A Way to Garden. Give it a read — I’m certain you’ll learn at least one new thing!