…otherwise known as, how to catch up on two years worth of procrastination while you’re out having fun in the sun.

Yes, folks, it’s been a little over two years at this ever-wild, woodland-surrounded little hilltop called Windy Knoll. It’s probably fair to say that when there’s a spare moment, there’s a good chance I’m spending it planning or planting.

Now it is time to pay the piper, so to speak. Cellophane bags of plant tags — one for each area — comprise the current organization system. Perhaps I need a better one. Hmmm, maybe looking at how libraries or DJs deal with their stuff can spark some better ideas for how to deal with it. Maybe I should take my queue from Parker Posey in Party Girl.

I really must commit to translating all this information into current drawings. Because I’m not always one to stick to a plan. It’s probably more important now that we have so much more space, and so many more plantings.

I could procrastinate a bit more and make this a winter task. Or maybe I’ll just do it a little at a time.