Summer is coming to a close. While the garden is slowing down, life continues to happen everywhere.

September is a time to dig deeper. Reflect. Plan for next year.

Take some photos to help provide a more objective perspective of what’s happening. Examine what’s doing well and what might benefit from being moved or given away to a better home and chances of success.

There’s still time to order or pick up spring bulbs to plant when the ground gets cool enough to do so. Right now, I’ve been planting perennials to fill in gaps before the hard freeze, which is still quite a ways off.

Balance being tidy with leaving interesting structures, shapes, and elements that can serve as cover and feed birds and other critters over the cold winter months.

Enjoy the change of seasons. Breathe in the fragrance of the changing leaves. Relish the changing colors and structures. Embrace the cooler air. Get your hands dirty.